VLADAE ROYTAPEL is known in USA as “The Russian Dog Wizard,” and has been featured on NPR, CNN, CBS’s Late Show, and countless morning shows on ABC, NBC, & FOX stations across America. Read more about Vladae on our Experts Page
BECKY STARR is the Western U.S. Manager for Redstone Media Group. She is a gifted educator and has been a driving force of presenting natural, alternative health care options regarding animal care for over 2 decades Please read her full profile on our Experts Page.
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Meet RUSTY, SPOT and KITTY who have been singing together for quite some time and have made many past appearances at the "Copa Bandana" and are now the featured entertainment at the "Hound Dog Lounge."
DENISE FLECK is an award-winning author and animal care instructor who developed the curriculum for her Pet First-Aid & CPCR Classes. She has appeared on Animal Planet’s Groomer Has It and Pit Boss, CNN Headline News, PBS-TV’s Lassie’s Pet Vet and KTLA Los Angeles as well as on radio and in magazines. Read her full profile on our Experts Page.
AUTRY J. PRUITT is a Political Columnist and Commentator for Townhall.com. Autry is leading the next political revolution by exposing facts, offering thoughtful insight & developing solutions to political & social problems. Pruitt is a nationally syndicated radio host and owner of UrRepublic from Harlem, New York.
KIT DEROCHE is the President and Founder of Florida Yorkie Rescue, Inc as well as the Executive Director of a planned senior yorkie sanctuary currently being created called Yorkie House. She was a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator in North Carolina before moving to Florida. She has written many articles over the years about her experiences.